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Monday, November 06, 2006

OPEN THREAD: Election Predictions

In the style of the Daily Kos, I thought in honor of the election day tomorrow, I'd create a place where everyone can leave their election predictions.

One suggestion, I know a lot of people like to log in annonymously, either log in with some kind of name or leave some kind of name at the end of your message so that we can give you proper accolades on Wednesday.

So here are the predictions:

1. Breakdown of the House of Representatives--how many seats for the Dems and Reps
2. US Senate
3. Governor's Mansions
4. Local Races of interest:
* Doolittle vs. Brown
* Pombo vs. McNerney
* Siefferman vs. Rexroad
* Measure K
* Measures H & I (bonus for the Sacramento Measure L)
* Measure L (Choice Voting in Davis)
5. "Upset" of the Day

I'll post mine in the comments as well