The newly sworn-in Chief Black was joined by a number of colleagues, friends, and his very proud wife and parents yesterday before a full contingent of Davis Police Officers, elected office holders, and other community leaders.
Mayor Sue Greenwald led the group in the Pledge of Allegiance and made a few opening comments praising Captain Black's experience and looking forward to the future.
Chief Black acknowledged in general terms some of the turmoil and challenges that have occurred in the past and that he will face in the future. He has close ties with a number of other prominent local chiefs including UC Davis Police Chief Annette Spicuzza with whom he worked closely as she had a parallel job with the University of Washington in Seattle and with whom he had attended the police academy.
This was a day for hope and a day for new beginnings. We all wish Chief Black good luck and we need him to be a success for the sake of the citizens of this community. He has much work to do, but we are very hopeful that he will be able to provide this community with the kind of leadership and drive necessary to solve many longstanding problems. We all need him to succeed.
---Doug Paul Davis reporting