I stumbled upon the new webpage for Davis' Ombudsman, Bob Aaronson. From this page, you get background information on Mr. Aaronson, but also contact information in the form of his email address and phone number.
Most importantly there is a link to a police complaint form.
While the system in Davis remains in need of reform, Mr. Aaronson seems to be a straight shooter who will do a fair job of investigating and auditing complaints against the police. Anyone who believes that they have been wronged by the police is strongly encourage to come forward and go through the formal complaint process. Frankly, we need to see if this process is going to work, and the only way that will happen will be to actually use the process.
We would encourage anyone with stories about racial profiling or other forms of racial profiling to come forward and speak out at Davis City Council Meetings. In addition, feel free to send us any information that you: dougpauldavis@davisvanguard.com.
Alarming Racial Divide in San Francisco Arrest Rates
The San Francisco Chronicle published an article recently highlighting a startling discrepency in the arrest rates in San Francisco for African-Americans compared to the rest of the major cities in the state:
Black people in San Francisco are arrested for felonies at nearly twice the rate they are in Sacramento. They are arrested at twice the rate of black people in Fresno, three times the rate in San Jose, Los Angeles, Long Beach and San Diego, and four times the rate in Oakland.
The disparity between San Francisco’s black felony arrest rates and the seven other largest cities’ — measured by the number of African Americans arrested per 1,000 black residents — is so large that many experts and civic leaders who reviewed the numbers said they are “disturbing” and require an investigation.
As the Blogger Left in San Francisco writes: "One half of all felony arrests in San Francisco are of African Americans. Who represent less than 8 percent of the city’s population."
While the article focuses on San Francisco, you'll notice a bit closer to home that Sacramento and Fresno are on the higher end of that list as well.
---Doug Paul Davis reporting
While the article focuses on San Francisco, you'll notice a bit closer to home that Sacramento and Fresno are on the higher end of that list as well.
---Doug Paul Davis reporting